Past Scholarship Recipients

Kwame’ L. Rowe, Esq
- 2011 Graduated James Madison College at Michigan State University
- 2015 Graduated Thomas M. Cooley Law School
- Currently Assistant Prosecuting Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office
- Married with Four Children

LeTorrian Jackson
- University of Michigan, MSW Candidate '18
- Detroit Clinical Scholar
- HRSA Scholar
- Interpersonal and Mental Health
- Adult Well-Being Services Intern,
- Adult Outpatient Assistant in Research
- Michigan Medicine-Psychiatry Department

Marvis Burns
- Partner at Sprout Capital Co & Founder of Rent Scene Co
- Wharton MBA ‘14, Cornell University Hotel School B.S., ‘09
- Author of an Amazon bestseller, ”Insiders Guide to a Free Ride”
- Marvis was a 4-year Southfield Kappa Scholarship Recipient